Pablo Dominguez

Pablo Dominguez


I combine 6 years of BSc training in Environmental Biology at the UAM (Madrid) and AMU (Marseille), with a PhD in Ethnology at the EHESS (Paris) and the UAB (Barcelona) about social-environmental relations in Berber/Amazigh mobile pastoralists of the High Atlas Mountains with a specialization on the commons (sustainable community-based governances of natural resources and the environment). After a passage through the Center of Bio-Cultural Diversity and the School of Anthropology and Conservation of UKc (Canterbury), I became senior researcher at the French CNRS, based at the Eco-Anthropology Laboratory in the Museum of Humankind (Paris), and a linked researcher of the UAB (Barcelona).

Today I work comparatively between different mountain societies, to identify trends in community-based governance systems in terms of environmental conservation, social values, cultural heritage, economic potentials and resilience (see COSUST). I particularly focus in the Mediterranean region (special issue on Biocultural Diversity of the Mediterranean), with most of my work concentrating in Spain (see Human Ecology), Morocco (see Environmental Values & Economic contribution of pastoral commons) and the Balkans (see Ecología Política), but also in East Africa (see Range and Forage ScienceCOSUST & PARKS). See also the physical and online exhibition about Mediterranean mountain pastoral commons in the 21st century.

I research ‘about’ these communal systems but also ‘in favor’ of their positive socio-ecological values. This takes me often to interact with civic society organizations, public bodies, international agencies and different stakeholders and decision-makers in a continuous effort to favor knowledge transfer and advice for its practical application. More information at the PICCAHers blog.

All sessions by Pablo Dominguez

Recognition and defence of the commons from the research perspective

09 Dec 2024
Geneva - John Knox International Center

Commons, biodiversity and restoration

10 Dec 2024
Geneva - John Knox International Center

Identifying commons and mapping

10 Dec 2024
Geneva - John Knox International Center