Nevenka Bogataj

Nevenka Bogataj


Nevenka Bogataj has background in forestry and studies rural commons from her graduation on. From 2019 onward Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry and Food appointed her to lead the consultancy group for Slovenian commons while her regular job is framed into Slovenian Institue for Adult Education. She works as a senior resercher and coordinator of the Slovenian network of study circles. She is regularly active in European programmes (Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus+, COST), target publics analysis and conceptualizations of educational programmes (eg. Basic training for sustainable development (2007, 2016), Environmental training that accounts SDG and CC (2024)). Recently she edited two books about Slovenian Commons (2021, 2023) – both attracted lots of public attention. Her recent research focus goes to revival of commons, understood the key collective actor of sustainable rural development and the phenomena of rational and sustainable resource management.

All sessions by Nevenka Bogataj

Commons, biodiversity and restoration

10 Dec 2024
Geneva - John Knox International Center