Layland Branfield is a hill farmer in Dartmoor, has sat on the NFU Uplands Committee and is heavily involved on The Dartmoor Defra Test and Trial. Currently he is chairman of the Dartmoor Commons Council. The Dartmoor Commoners’ Council was established in 1985 to represent the commoners, make regulations about matters that concern the management of the commons and the welfare of the stock de-pastured on the commons. Dartmoor is an upland region of moorland in the county of Devon, in the southwest of England. It covers approximately 368 square miles, and rises to 621m (2037 ft) above sea level. The Moor was designated a National Park in 1951. Nearly 36000 hectares (88900 acres) of the Park is common land, some 37% of the Park’s whole area and more than 75% of its moorland.