Diego Juffe Bignoli

Diego Juffe Bignoli


Diego Juffe Bignoli is an independent biodiversity conservation consultant based in northern Spain with 20 years of professional experience, first in agribusiness and, since 2008, in biodiversity conservation. Before that, and for 13 years, he worked as IUCN and UNEP-WCMC staff member in several roles. His work has mostly focused on protected areas science, biodiversity indicators, spatial planning and conservation network design, ecological connectivity, impacts of infrastructure development on wildlife, and, more recently, he is collaborating with local conservation NGOs and local communities interested in conservation in Galicia, Spain where he moved in 2021 after working for 13 years in the UK.


He is currently an advisor to the IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation on 30×30 issues, the co-chair of the Key Biodiversity Areas Standards and appeals committee (an independent body of the KBA partnership), and an active member in 3 IUCN commissions (WCPA, CEM and SSC) where he contributes to several groups.


Diego is an agronomist by training with a Masters in Environmental Management of protected areas (University of London) and is affiliated to the University of Kent, UK where he is completing a part time PhD.